Jumat, 04 April 2014

Not Just You

I know your hearts seen better times,
I know our songs had better rhymes,
Before Today. No.

I guess I made the wrong mistakes,
I understand if you need your space,
Please take your time.
Before you go away, so far away,
You need to realize,

Baby it's not just you,
You know it hurts me too.
Watching you leave,
With tears on you sleeve.
Don't you notice mine aren't exactly dry!

Baby it's not just you,
That's hurting.
It's me too.
I'm sorry, I wasn't there to catch the fall.
I didn't hear you when you called,
All of those nights.

Please don't forget the good days with me,
I can the make back the heart aching beat.
When it gets dark and it's hard to see,
I'll turn on the lights.
Before you go away, so far away,
I really need you to know,

Baby it's not just you,
You know it hurts me too.
Watching you leave,
With tears on your sleeve.
Don't you notice that mine aren't exactly dry!
Baby it's not just you.
That's hurting,
It's me too.

I'm not giving up!
You don't have to leave!
I am willing to beg till
I break my knees!
I believe in us!
Don't give up on me!
Girl I know that you're hurting.
And I'm sorry for the pain,
I promise that I'll change,
Forgive me, forgive me!

Baby it's not just you,
You know it hurts me too.
Watching you leave,
With tears on your sleeve.
Don't you notice that mine aren't exactly dry! (Not exactly dry baby)

Baby it's not just you,
You know it hurts me too.
We had it all, How could we fall,
Baby I thought we would never die. (Don't let it die)
Baby it's not just you,
That's hurting. It's me too.
Not just you.
Baby it's not just you.
Baby it's not just you
Cara Membuat Masakan Ayam Goreng
Bahan :

ayam muda 1 ekor
Kemiri 6 butir
Cabe merah 5 butir
Bawang merah 7 biji
Bawang putih 3 siung
Ketumbar 1 sendok makan
Kunyit 1 ruas
Laos 1 ruas
Serai 1 batang
Gula merah 1 sendok makan
Air asam 1 sendok makan
Santan kelapa 1 gelas
Garam secukupnya
Minyak goreng secukupnya

Cara Memasaknya :
  1. Cucilah ayam sampai bersih, kemudian dipotong-potong sesuai selera.
  2. Haluskan bumbu yang sudah disediakan.
  3. Masukkan ayam kedalam wajan.
  4. Tambahkan bumbu dan santan. Rebus sampai ayam kering. Angkat dan goreng ayam dalam minyak yang panas, biarkan sampai kering.
- See more at: http://gudangmasakan.blogspot.com/2012/11/resep-masakan-ayam-goreng-tradisional.html#sthash.EOLCxVSP.dpuf
Cara Membuat Masakan Ayam Goreng
Bahan :

ayam muda 1 ekor
Kemiri 6 butir
Cabe merah 5 butir
Bawang merah 7 biji
Bawang putih 3 siung
Ketumbar 1 sendok makan
Kunyit 1 ruas
Laos 1 ruas
Serai 1 batang
Gula merah 1 sendok makan
Air asam 1 sendok makan
Santan kelapa 1 gelas
Garam secukupnya
Minyak goreng secukupnya

Cara Memasaknya :
  1. Cucilah ayam sampai bersih, kemudian dipotong-potong sesuai selera.
  2. Haluskan bumbu yang sudah disediakan.
  3. Masukkan ayam kedalam wajan.
  4. Tambahkan bumbu dan santan. Rebus sampai ayam kering. Angkat dan goreng ayam dalam minyak yang panas, biarkan sampai kering.
- See more at: http://gudangmasakan.blogspot.com/2012/11/resep-masakan-ayam-goreng-tradisional.html#sthash.EOLCxVSP.dpuf
Cara Membuat Masakan Ayam Goreng
Bahan :

ayam muda 1 ekor
Kemiri 6 butir
Cabe merah 5 butir
Bawang merah 7 biji
Bawang putih 3 siung
Ketumbar 1 sendok makan
Kunyit 1 ruas
Laos 1 ruas
Serai 1 batang
Gula merah 1 sendok makan
Air asam 1 sendok makan
Santan kelapa 1 gelas
Garam secukupnya
Minyak goreng secukupnya

Cara Memasaknya :
  1. Cucilah ayam sampai bersih, kemudian dipotong-potong sesuai selera.
  2. Haluskan bumbu yang sudah disediakan.
  3. Masukkan ayam kedalam wajan.
  4. Tambahkan bumbu dan santan. Rebus sampai ayam kering. Angkat dan goreng ayam dalam minyak yang panas, biarkan sampai kering.
- See more at: http://gudangmasakan.blogspot.com/2012/11/resep-masakan-ayam-goreng-tradisional.html#sthash.EOLCxVSP.dpuf

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